British Fertility Society Conference in Gateshead
8 January 2016
This new year, our team ventured to Newcastle in order to attend the 2016 British Fertility Conference held at the Gateshead SAGE conference centre. This conference attracts many top class researchers interested in reproductive biology and is a great place to discuss ideas and new research.
While Allan is a regular to these conferences and gave a talk on sperm banking, it was the first time attending for Steven and Sarah. We were there to present initial work from the SPERM project.
Steven’s talk won the BFS scientist award and explained what energy compounds we have tested to see if sperm are able to break them down.
Sarah presented a poster which explained the methods we had developed to examine metabolite profile in sperm and the differences present between high quality and low quality sperm metabolites.
The conference was very useful to attend there were presentations made on all aspects of fertility and infertility.
The two sessions I found most insightful were
the debate between Scott Nelson and Yacoub Khalaf discussing if the hormone, anti-mullerian hormone, is enough on its own to test a woman’s fertility status
the first session explaining how fertility is preserved after blast injuries by Jackson Kirkman Brown